Eucalyptus Mulch (Coarse)

$50.82 m3


Eucalyptus Mulch is suitable for on top of garden beds to help retain moisture. It is not a fine bark but rather quite coarse and features longish shredded pieces.

Feel free to come and have a look first to make sure its the look your after for your garden beds.

It is also great for Native or bush style Gardens and Landscapes – the natural look.

Ideal thickness is about 75mm.

Do you deliver?
Yes. There is free delivery for 5 tonne or more in the Bendigo area. There is a minimum of 1m3 for all deliveries.

How far do you travel for deliveries?
Epsom will deliver anywhere however there is an additional charge for deliveries made outside of the Bendigo area(a 20km radius from base).

Do you have a courtesy trailer?
Yes we have a complimentary trailer.

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